
Premium Hardwax-Oil

The multifunctional premium protection for all wooden surfaces
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Premium Additive Hardener 2K

For faster drying and higher resilience
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Premium Additive UV Protection

Works against the natural colour changes caused by UV rays
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Premium Additive Anti-Slip R10

Ensures a non-slip surface on wooden floors
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Ground Oil Extra Thin

The foundation for a perfect coat
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Ecoline Hardwax-Oil

The low-solvent wood coating for environmentally conscious users
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Ecoline Oil Ground Coat

A good foundation is the be-all and end-all for a perfect coating
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Color Wax

Rich colours based on natural oil
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3355 Saicos Arbeitsplattenöl 0,5 D GB

Worktop Oil

For natural and beautiful worktops with high durability
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