

SAICOS Ecoline Magic Cleaner Spray

This cleaner works wonders

A kind of magic! From wood to designer flooring to tiles, Ecoline Magic Cleaner Spray cleans all surfaces effortlessly and effectively. Nicotine film, grease or dirt have no chance against it.


  • For dirty, unsightly wood and cork floors, table and furniture surfaces as well as PVC, linoleum, tiles, ceramics, natural stone
  • Basic cleaner before renovation
  • Solvent-free
  • Without bleach
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This cleaner makes things shine

The solvent-free SAICOS Ecoline Magic Cleaner Spray is used for intensive cleaning and treatment of cork and wood surfaces with a waxed, oiled or painted finish. The surface and wood cleaner effortlessly removes nicotine film, grease and dirt deposits - from wood, but also from PVC, linoleum, ceramics, tiles, natural stone, etc. The product is available in a practical and ready-to-use spray bottle or as a concentrate.

The future is green! We becoming more and more conscious of our ecological footprint and it is increasingly influencing our actions. We have created the Ecoline product line to meet the demand for environmentally friendly products for cleaning and treatment of wood or PVC, for example. Sustainable and durable products for use on and finishing wooden surfaces and more. One of these is the Ecoline Magic Cleaner Spray wood cleaner.

Application notes
The product is not suitable for untreated cork or wooden surfaces, as subsequent coating can be difficult. Discolouration may occur if improperly applied to alkaline-sensitive substrates (e.g. oak, chestnut) due to the high tannic acid content of the woods. (Please test the product beforehand in a non-visible area.)
Gentle, pure and clean

Gentle cleaning and care are essential for surfaces. That is why we rely on natural ingredients: The Magic Cleaner has a particularly gentle recipe that we developed in our own research laboratory. Mops, maintenance clothes and the like can be easily washed out with water after treatment.

Ecoline Magic Cleaner

This surface and wood cleaner works wonders
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